Thursday, Nov 19 at 8pm, free admission at New Nothing Cinema, 16 Sherman St, San Francisco CA, MESS (Media Ecology Soul Salon) with ROBERT DOBBS - The public is invited to this engaging dialogue with Robert Dobbs (live via video-phone Skype), and Gerry Fialka & the audience (live in the venue). New Media and experimental filmmaking's interrelationships with Marshall McLuhan and James Joyce will be probed as Menippean reinventions of the global theater. Dobbs & Fialka delve deep into film as art, abstract cinema, lyrical filmmaking, internet, cellphones, twitter, Second Life, and much more.
Percept plunder for the recent future. "Joyce's FINNEGANS WAKE is an encyclopedia of lore concerning the origins and effects of words, of writing, of roads and bricks, of telegraph, radio, and television on the changing hues of the human spectrum... In fact, FINNEGANS WAKE is the greatest guide to the media ever devised on this planet, and is a tremendous study of the action of all media upon the human psyche and sensorium." - McLuhan. ROBERT DOBBS, poet and politician, is a provocative lecturer on Joyce and McLuhan. His seminal knowledge of new media and avant-garde cinema has developed through encounters with innovators from Michael Snow to Craig Baldwin, Frank Zappa to Sylvere Lotringer, Nam June Paik to Andy Warhol, Stan Brakhage to Yoko Ono, Bucky Fuller to Captain Beefheart, and Tim Leary to Robert Anton Wilson. DOBBS performed at the McLuhan International Festival of the Future in Toronto, and his appearances at Columbia University, University of Toronto, among others, have generated fresh new insights and new metaphors.The best presentation of Dobbs' work is his book, PHATIC COMMUNION WITH BOB DOBBS. Today, he travels the world explaining our victory over the Android Meme, and the tracings of these activities are featured at
Reviewer:Ouroboros Rex
favorite -
April 4, 2011 Subject:
"Bob Dobbs" is a fraud.
Bob Dean is a plagiaristic stalker of the Church of the Subgenius, and intentionally stole the name "Bob Dobbs" to cop their publicity. He still routinely stalks and defames Church members. More information: